It may happen that you have to deactivate, freeze, or even delete your OK-app for any reason. In all of these cases, your OK app will be unlinked from your OK account containing all of your data. No one can acces this data when your froze your OK account, not even you.
But don’t worry!
If you activate a 'new' OK app, using the same mobile number as your “old” OK app, you'll get the message "There you are again!" During activation you will have the option to transfer your 'old' account to your new account. Note: You will only have one chance to do this and for this option you need the OK code you used with your “old” OK app.
After completing the reactivation of your new OK app, you will find your old data back in your new OK app.
PS. Returning an OK account will transfer all data except the linked payment accounts. You will need to link again due to security reasons.